Friday, February 29, 2008

Look Ma!

(Rachel is strongly considering crawling!)

Top 10 Things this 6 Month-Old Can Get Away With
(But Just Aren't Socially Acceptable For the Rest of Us!):
10. Drooling all over yourself and others 9. Crying every time you get hungry or tired (Mom would be the biggest crybaby ever!) 8. Not wearing pants (see above picture) 7. Making LOUD lip/tongue smacking sounds in Sacrament on purpose (to make your siblings laugh irreverently). 6. Leaving the house without so much as running a comb through your hair or brushing your teeth! 5. Scratching others in the face with your razor-sharp talons for sport. 4. Wearing pink 99% of the time 3. Shrieking in restaurants, just for the heck of it. 2. Staring and smiling at perfect strangers with mouth open and, inevitably, drooling! 1. Messing your pants.

Rachel Elizabeth, we love you anyway!
Happy Half-Birthday!


Jessica said...

I always watch my kids and then imagine adults doing the same thing. Very amusing pastime!

Erin said...

So cute and I love her outfit! :) Adorable. Can't wait to meet her--we're shooting for the first weekend in April! :)

Melissa said...

We would like to extend a very happy half birthday to cousin Rachel!

-Olivia and Lyla

Lorena said...

Ooooh...just counting down the days until I can squeeze Hannah's twin. I'm probably going to end upu calling her that for the first few days...just be prepared.

Unknown said...

Stace,she's gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see her again.

Lisa Haws and family said...

It was so good to see you guys. sure wish i could have talked to you more. I'll try to see you when we're in Utah in July.

Amy said...

Yay! I found your blog on Tiff's blog! Now I can see cute pictures of your cute kids! Oh my gosh you have 5! You seriously have the cutest babies (and kids)! I loved reading your blog. I should have guessed because I LOVE reading your Christmas cards. You really are an amazing writer. My favorite is Cade's entry with all your pictures. That made my day!