Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from the Seeley Clan! Yes, there is a lot of sugar coursing through our veins this morning, due to a couple of "productive" easter egg hunts yesterday and a family party that was 75% dessert (hey, I'm not complaining!):
This morning, surprisingly, the only traces of sugar in their baskets were some bubble gum, an orange soda, and a small token "chocolate flavored" bunny (I'm not sure what that means but I'm certain Cade does not approve!). Here's how the kids made out:
I was impressed that the boys started a discussion this morning about Easter and why we celebrate it. Thankfully, they know more than I've taught them and that makes me happy. I am continually grateful for their simple yet profound understanding of the gospel and their desire to live it. In that way, they teach me too. Thanks, guys!

I found a great quote the other day as I was perusing the Ensign. I so miss President Hinckley and when I read this quote I almost cried - not only because I could picture him saying those words, but because his words never fail to lift and comfort me even now.

"In sunshine and in shadow, we look to Him, and He is there to assure and smile upon us."
(Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, March 2008)

Simple, yet profound. I will be thinking about those words today as I enjoy the rest of this beautiful holiday. Happy Easter!


Lisa Haws and family said...

Wait..... Adam isn't in a white shirt.... are you breaking your "matching" rule? Just kidding, I read your earlier blog. They look darling. I sure miss seeing you guys at OUR ward. But I'll see you in July!!

Stacy said...

Okay Lisa, here's the story...Adam DID match earlier but because he is a boy he got chocolate on his shirt and had to change prior to picture taking (don't look too close because the boys' ties don't match either...must've been an off-day, but don't the girls look cute!!)

Melissa said...

I hate when my girls get dirty after I have them all dressed up. Anyway a cute post! Happy Easter!

Melissa said...

....I said when my girls get dirty but what I should have said was poop!

Stacy said...

"Dirty" sounds way better than "poop" so thanks for the discretion. Do you like how I'm commenting on the comments? It ups my stats and makes me feel better about myself. Thanks for commenting twice, Melissa - that ups my stats, too. (;

Jessica said...

Those are the cutest pictues.

We asked Jane today why we celebrate Easter and she told us: "Henly Father told the Eastoh Bunny to come and so he did."

This holiday needs a little work.

Lorena said...

Well...totally not the same here without you guys. I cooked a 10-lb ham, made a vat of funeral potatoes, homemade rolls, and some green beans. Then I realized that there was no way we were going to even eat half of it on our own. I guess it was just out of habit.

And...we missed not being able to do a 2nd Annual Seeley Easter Egg Hunt.

But, we don't miss you AT ALL or anything like that!

Unknown said...

So cute Stacey. Love that color coordination and matching!!

Unknown said...

Oh wait, Adam doesn't match.... WHAT? What's going on? What is the Seeley world coming to? Oh the horror!!!! :-)

Lisa Haws and family said...

Amy Thatcher's mom passed away unexpectedly yesterday in Salt Lake. They left this morning (Tuesday) to go up for the funeral. I think she said it would be on Saturday, probably with a viewing on Friday p.m. I thought you would want to know. Her mom's name is Jean Mather, and I'm sure the obituary will be in the tribune or deseret news. She had said that she didn't know very many people up there anymore, so I thought I'd tell you in case you would have time to go by. Just a thought. Lisa

Donelle said...

I think that every person that know you is just so surprised about the non-matching...there is a first for everything (and from the reading understand that is wasn't planned:)