Didn't I just do my "summer wrap-up" post? Wasn't it "too hot to run", like, yesterday? Didn't the kids just have their first day of school? I guess not...because today we have SNOW!!!
I know we are fast approaching our third winter back in Utah so I shouldn't be so surprised at how early we have our first real snow, nevertheless I am still not emotionally prepared for this, people! The perpetually cold feet, high gas bills, the wetness, the grayness, the ugliness, the can't-go-anywhere-ness. I hate it all. Is there ANY redeeming qualities about this cold time of year?! Oh wait, I can think of two:#1
I'm thinkin of you Stace!! You will survive!
Should I make it my mission in life to help you appreciate all that winter and snow have to offer? I love snuggling up by the fire, drinking hot cocoa, watching the world covered by a beautiful layer of perfection. I love the stress of not having to go anywhere because of it, but I also love venturing out in it. There is nothing like driving through a snowstorm at night and feeling like you are literally in a star wars movie. Don't get me wrong, by February I'll be having the same winter blahs as everyone else, but until then...I love, love, LOVE the snow! Come on Stace...it's pretty amazing stuff if you think about it. Plus, you wouldn't get to use your really cool electric blanket. :)
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