Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Holiday Potpourri

Has it really been 3 weeks since my last post? it has!
Well, I guess I'd better hurry and get a post up on my poor blog before I get sucked into all the momentum of Christmas and become crazed and incoherent like I do every year. Here are a few things we've been up to as of late:Cade returned from Ireland - hooray! He was able to see lots of gorgeous scenery like this while he was there. Cool, huh?
(FYI and totally off-subject, my tooth is feeling just fine now thanks to a root canal that took place just hours after publishing my last post. Thanks Dr. Jacobsen, for taking away my extreme physical pain for a small fortune. It was so worth it!)
3 words: Viva La Coldplay! (What an incredible concert). Cade and I both love Coldplay and it was great to sing along to all the songs and rock out like a couple of idiotic teenagers. Aaahhh!
Jason started basketball. He's by far the shortest kid on the whole team, as half of them are a grade older. But of course Jason sees that as a challenge and plays even more competetively. That kid is brutal out there and when he does something awesome, he casually glances over at us with his cute little half-smile, which we are inclined to return two-fold.
Hannah had her first dance recital of all time. She was a train-wreck at both dress rehearsals, hanging on my leg and other such nonsense so I was obviously very concerned she wouldn't be able to make it through the performance with me (and my leg) out in the audience. That's where bribery comes in. I let her pick out a cute little make-up set at Walmart for her to have AFTER her performance. I told her that if she felt compelled to hang on my leg, we would have to return the present. It worked! She was all confidence and smiles up there on the stage...what a little diva! Here she is in her skimpy-little-costume-that-I-had-no-control-over. Enough said. She also had a cute and modest Cindy Lou Who costume she wore for her Grinch song "Where Are You Christmas?" (Like the hairdo?) That was so precious and I was beaming with pride the whole time. She hasn't stopped talking about her recital so I'm hopeful that her jitters are a thing of the past now.
This may not be blog-worthy to you, but I miraculously configured Rachel's hair into little pig tails the other day. I only did it that one day because they were a lot of trouble and came out easily, but someday soon these cute little piggies will be a regular occurrence.
Is it just me or is this girl flippin' cute? She was even saying "cheese" at the time, that's how confident she felt about her adorableness. My little Santa Momma!

I finally got a around to this old thing. I mean, it's the perfect size...if you're a little person, which I am not. I really need a new tree but there's always something I need more than a dang Christmas tree and I never seem to have mutiple hundreds of dollars burning a whole in my there it is in all of it's six-foot (that's being generous) glory!

Other Items of Blog-Worthiness, But Alas, No Photo Documentation:
1. Thanksgiving Dinner. It was lovely...thanks for asking.
2. Adam and his new braces...and headgear..and palate expander. (Now you know why a new Christmas tree is out of the question this year!)
3. Making chocolates with my mom. We had some great mother/daughter bonding, and the chocolates taste delicious but they're not very pretty like Grandma Peterson's, so I've made the difficult decision to not give them as neighbor gifts this year and eat them for myself. We may try again and if they don't turn out I'll eat those too, and so on, and so on.


Lorena said...

Cute post...

Happy Birthday in like 20 minutes...

Love the pictures...they came out so cute! How did I know they would end up in sepia?

Loved the concert, too...but no shirts for us...WAH!

Rachel is darling. Send her down with Cade next time.

When are you coming to visit?

Bring some chocolates...I'll eat 'em.

I'll call you in the morning to wish you a proper "Happy Birthday".

Abbie said...

Okay, I love the pictures on your side bar. SO CUTE!!!

Thanks for the update! That was fun. And I am SOOOO jealous of Coldplay! SOOOO.

kristin kempton said...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! I hope you have a wonderful day! I miss you! When are you coming to visit?

And, by the way, I'm so glad you made it to the dentist!

Much love,

Jodi said...

Ummm...Happy Birthday? What kind of friend am I? I guess we just haven't made it to the know your birthday stage of our friendship. :) It's about time for a new post! I always love reading about your cute family and seeing all of the fun things your doing. Christmas is no excuse! Another post BEFORE the next three week mark. Luv ya Stacie.

*Monica* said...

I just had to leave you a note about the matching Christmas sweaters! I see that you still have this obsessions with them and are still persuading the men in your life to have a Chrismas picture in them. Good for you! At least you aren't sweating in a 100 degree weather in them now.

Loree said...

it was a great update post! fun to hear about your family! i love the pig tails! and love your new family pic! nice to hear from you! have a merry christmas :)

Sarah said...

SO CUTE! Love the new family pictures. I'm very impressed that you are all looking great at the same time! I had my brother take pictures (at least 100) and I had one. ONE. One that I could use with both kids looking halfway decent. grrrr. Hope things settle down and you have a great holiday.

You're still SUCH a hottie! :)

Karen said...

Kelly, Jeff and I went to the Coldplay concert in Kansas City and loved it to death! Did they do a couple numbers up in the audience at your show?! If so, you can appreciate the fact that they were IN OUR ROW about four seats down from us!! Kelly took cell phone videos but all you can hear is her screaming! What fun!

Stacy said...

They did play some songs in the audience, just 1 section over from ours so we were about 20 feet away from them. I was screaming, too, so I can only imagine Kelly's reaction being close enough to touch Chris Martin (don't ya just love that guy?)
Maybe we should meet up for their next concert, a family reunion extravaganza!

Marcie said...

Tell Cade I LOVE the sweater on the top family picture! He should wear these ALL THE TIME!!!

Unknown said...

Loved the post Stace and catching up on all of the Seeley goings on. I love your tree, even if it is only six foot tall. It always looks so pretty.

Unknown said...

Stace, are you out there? Are you alive? I miss ya!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are alive. We did miss you the other night. Can't wait for you to come down!